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Healthy Habits Also At Christmas


The pandemic situation that we are going through means that we have to modify our way of living Christmas, so it is essential that we do not relax prevention and precautionary measures against the coronavirus.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle at Christmas is possible even in this pandemic situation. Try to moderate what you eat and drink and use free time as an opportunity to be active.  

Find rewarding moments with little things. Remember that there are easy and important gestures that add up when creating a more supportive, sustainable, and healthy environment, gestures such as reducing food waste, consuming local and seasonal products, betting on small restaurants and the market, and small businesses of your neighborhood. 

We give you some suggestions so that you live this time without neglecting your healthy habits, adapting to the current situation. 

Christmas Food

Although it is difficult to avoid the excesses and nutritional imbalances typical of these Christmas holidays, in which the foods that are eaten are usually rich in fat, sugars, and salt and are accompanied by alcohol consumption, it is important that in the days after the excesses Let's try to balance our diet by interspersing lighter meals to compensate for the copious dinners and Christmas meals.

Remember that a  varied, balanced diet consumed in adequate amounts is the best way to achieve a healthy diet. Write down these simple ideas that will help you these days in your lunch and dinner:

. Plan menus ahead of time and adjust the amounts to be consumed, in this way you will better control your weight since you will not overeat and food waste will be reduced.

. Vegetables should not be absent from pre- Christmas menus, in the form of salads or cooked steamed or grilled. Incorporate cleansing foods such as escarole, endives, asparagus, artichoke, thistle, or borage into your diet; a good way to introduce them is by making starters with them. 

. Choose mainly seasonal fruit, the fruit will provide you with more nutrients and it will be lighter than other desserts.

. Opt for less caloric menus, including typical dishes such as red cabbage, and as a second course resort to baked goods.

. Choose preferably lean meats like chicken and turkey. 

. Choose whole grains: bread, pasta, rice, homemade pastries, etc. They provide fiber and nutrients and produce a greater feeling of satiety. 

. Introduce dairies such as plain yogurt and fresh cheeses.

. Hydrate properly: drink water, water with lemon or a mint leaf, infusions or broths without too much fat, better than soft drinks.

. Replace alcohol consumption with healthy drinks, or at least moderate and reduce your consumption.

During these holidays, do not forget the basic precautions of conservation of food to enjoy them safely. Avoid poisoning by following these tips:

We offer you a menu proposal for you to do before and after the copious meals and dinners of the most important festivals. These recipes will help you offset the holiday excesses. This way you will be able to balance your diet on these dates. We suggest both first and second courses. Choose seasonal fruit for dessert: it is undoubtedly the healthiest option.

Active Christmas

We cannot forget physical activity these days, since practicing regularly is beneficial to our health always, and perhaps this year it will be more necessary. 

Just as you organize the menus for these days in advance, why don't you anticipate and prepare a physical activity for yourself and for those of you who are going to share time on these dates?

During the Christmas period, the activities that can be an opportunity to move, a ride with the bicycle, a walk in the park, run errands and shopping, we can visit museums, exhibitions, participate in cultural shows ..., but always safely, with reduced capacity, always wearing a properly adjusted mask, keeping distance from others, and for the minimum essential time.

Not sure where to start? Follow these simple tips and you will see how easy it is to stay active: 

. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  

. Scroll walk to the destination of your meeting or back home whenever you can. If you travel by public transport, you can get off one stop earlier and go part of the way on foot. During the Christmas period, the outings to make purchases multiply. One recommendation is that you organize yourself before leaving and walk whenever you can. 

. Look in your town hall, or in your district, for physical sports activities in the open air.

. Organize group walks with those you see on these dates and take advantage of the walk to chat and catch up, without forgetting the prevention measures for the transmission of the virus. 

. At home, share the daily tasks and the ones you need to prepare these days. 

. When you are all seated at the table, take any opportunity to move. It is not mandatory to remain seated all the time.

. Participate in active games with your family. 

Dance, move and enjoy Christmas. Doing these activities will make you feel better. The practice of physical activity encourages and facilitates social relationships, and we also improve our muscular strength and flexibility. Physical activity helps you fall asleep and reduces anxiety.

Reduce Christmas Stress

Christmas is still a very exciting time for the smallest (and not so young) of the house, but it can also become one of the most stressful times for many people, and especially this year due to current circumstances: Either due to the loss of loved ones, due to unresolved family conflicts, due to overwork in the service sector, or the lack of it for many, due to the poorly distributed workload at home or due to the fact of not being able to meet with everyone those you want ... For all this, we give you some very basic tips so that you can reduce stress and live these days with more serenity and peace. 

. Plan ahead. Organizing the number of family and/or friends in the main Christmas meals and dinners is important to respect the maximum number of people allowed and have a safer Christmas, therefore it is advisable to plan it in advance to avoid family conflicts. It is important to have a flexible attitude. Remember that technology in these cases can help us get closer to those who cannot dine or eat with us on these special dates.    

. Value the positive. We have to realize that despite the situation we are experiencing, we have positive things and it is on them that we should focus. What high-quality matters do you spot around you? Put aside the news that does not favor your mood. Do not forget that the restrictive measures are to take care of other people, helping this situation to be resolved as soon as possible.  

. Opportunity. Perhaps it is a good time to reread your favorite book, remove the screens and tell stories, write letters, stories to your loved ones, learn to cook, draw, fix what you had pending for a long time ... 

. Communicate. Talking with your loved ones is important and more when there are active measures of social distancing that prevent us from relating normally. It may be a good time to use new communication technologies.     

. What if we help others?  It is undeniable that the pandemic has not had an equal effect on all families and there are people more in need. There are many whom this situation of a health crisis is affecting, so we are going to think about the most vulnerable people helping and supporting the work of the food bank and soup kitchens. When we help others we obtain double welfare: the help offered and our problems go into the background. 

. Christmas shopping. Make the Christmas purchases respecting the capacity, the safety regulations, giving an opportunity to the small business and above all planning your expenses by making a small shopping list so we will avoid unnecessary annoyances when you see that after Christmas you cannot make ends meet and cover your needs and those of your family. 

. Assertiveness and handling of emotions.  You may not have a perfect relationship with all the members of your family, and unresolved conflicts often surface on these dates. Try to be assertive in these meetings, express your opinions, and defend your rights without offending others, this will contribute to a more friendly atmosphere and everyone feels comfortable enjoying the evening. Remember also that excess alcohol consumption makes you manage your emotions worse, so try to avoid it.

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